Ass you know, the kids stayed up WAY too late watching the Superbowl. So we didn't do school on Monday. Then we did do school before the dentist, and had every intention of finishing afterwards. But I got to thinking that I didn't want to have my cleaning before MAFA, and be rushed. So they told me that she could clean my teeth after the kids. But I'd have to wait an hour, cuz she already had an appointment. So that means I couldn't go home, but it was lunch time and they were starving. So I took them to Burger King. I really hate eating out, but I had no choice. The roads were starting to get slick, cuz of the snow that decided to grace us with its presence, so we had to go somewhere close. So never finished what we started. We'll do it another day.
Looking back, I'm glad they got me in when they did. We got 7-9 inches of snow overnight, FINALLY!! So all the schools had their first snow day, which meant MAFA was cancelled also. So we did school on Wednesday, then played outside with Daddy on his day off. We made forts and things. :) Gym class, right?
Thursday we did double the work, cuz I should've done school on Monday. Then we went sledding with some homeschool friends. It was perfect, since all the public school kids were back in school, we had the rule of the hill. Gym again!!
Sassy's birthday is today, so we don't do school, so we had to do extra. Movies and eating out all day. Yuck! Go to my family blog for a Sassy update. :)
We never got a chance to work on our Olympic lapbooks at all this week. Little man kept asking, but we were too busy. :( Maybe today we can. They don't consider that school. :)
Next week will be better!! Nothing is on the calendar, except MAFA. So I have every intention of completing the entire week on time.
Gym class? Absolutely! That counts a strength training, endurance and chalk it up to creative arts too. :)
I just got through watching the opening ceremonies of the Winter Olympics and I kept thinking about you. Don't sweat that lapbook thing.... life is learning through living. WATCH the Olympics and then, do the lapbook. You will just reinforce what they learn from watching. Hey, by the way... now is a good time to share that I still have not done the Christmas projects I bought, but there is always next year and actaully I plan to do some Christmas throughout the year.... I have the coolest little stickers for the Manger Scene. We'll just get a head start on Christmas 2010! LOL! And did you see the opening Ceremonies??? Awesome!
Of course sledding counts for gym! And your week sounds more productive than you give it credit for. If it makes you feel better, we haven't had a full week since before Christmas either. I feel so far behind, but last week, I decided to persevere through the distractions and feelings of inadequicy and we ended the week strong. My oldest had a fever on Friday so we did only what she felt like doing, which was math and spelling. My youngest was productive because she wanted to earn treasure box tickets, which she did, so it made her day!
About the lapbook. Don't worry if you don't do it. We just went through the same thing. My daughter loves penguins so when we got to Pp & learning about penguins, I thought a lapbook would be great! I was so hung up on doing it, but for some reason, it just wasn't working out. Having it linger over my head paralyzed our school productivity for two weeks! I can't believe I let that happen! I felt like such a failure. The moment I decided to scrap it and move on was the moment I felt relief and in the end, we actually completed the lapbook without any pressure!
Thanks for stopping by my blog Jen. My kids have to play catch up with what all has happened. I think I am going to have them write a journal entry about the guy who died so that we have record of all that happened this year.
I love your blog by the way :)
Hi Jen. You mentioned that you do McGuffey Readers with your son. What age/grade is he and what are McGuffey Readers? I would love to know more! Thanks, Lisa
Thanks so much for taking the time to explain the McGuffey Readers. So I assume that these replace the Primary & Intermediate Language Lessons by Emma Serl. ? Or, could they be used in conjunction with them? We really like the Primary Language Lessons and I'd like to stick with it. But when I read information & reviews about these readers, I hate to pass them up! I love classic education and my kids seem to enjoy it as well. My daughter even gets a kick out of the old language sometimes, often giggling as she completes a lesson, which I think is fun. It's so much fun to see her smile as she completes language lessons =)
Hey what are olympic lap books did you make them I am intrigued please let me know how I can do something like this
my kids would love it
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