Sorry, I went off on a tangent. I'm back. The question form is, is anyone else having trouble doing school? I haven't had a complete week since before Christmas. I hate that. I just wanna get done, but something always comes up. I'm really trying my darndest, but it's sooooo not working. Example: Yesterday we stayed at a Superbowl party til the game was done, which was 10pm our time. So the kids slept in and I didn't get a chance to get the school stuff together this weekend, so I knew we were gonna start late anyways. But I needed to hit the store before the snow they say we're supposed to get. I'll believe that when I see it. :) So we didn't get to do school today. Tomorrow they have dentist appointments, Wednesday I have a dentist appointment, then MAFA, then church in the evening. Then Sassy's birthday is on Friday, so no school. AUGHHHH!!!! I need a complete week.
Is anyone else having trouble? Not that I ant you to, but it would make me feel better if atleast one person was. :)
Sometimes I feel like this too! I long for complete, uninterrupted weeks of school, but there is always something that comes up...Keep your priorities and just say no to some things! I've been wondering about having a separate school blog...not suggested? Wishing you a complete week soon!
First of all, I can barely manage to post on one blog, so I figure that everything I blog about is about "my one life"... therefore, it can all go on the one blog.
Secondly, I feel this way everyday, but one thing I was talking about with my husband last night is that with so many 3 or 4 day weeks in our life I think I need to stop looking at curriculum from a weekly standpoint. I think I need to start going day to day with it or we are going to never get through it. I am on my 3rd week of starting over on Adventures week with George Washington! I'm tired of looking at his face! No really, I am just thinking that if I I look at a week of five days and I get Day 1-3 done in one week, then maybe we can get in Day 4-5 the next week.... then, I can start the next Day 1, etc... And the K program is written for 6 days... we don't do six days and probably have never done over four days, so the last part of the week I am trying to cram it into all one day... and at the end of my week when I am burnt out! I think for the K I might just do double days for 3-4 days and then, do other stuff if I can with my K-er.
I think I just need to teach one day at a time... no big plan... it is too devastating when the plan fails for me... and it always seem to fail lately. ;) And yeah, I had to take a child in for 104 temp last week, and one for a possible UTI two days later... this is after surviving almost 4 weeks of stomach virus issues after Christmas through most of January. I made a call into the pediatrician today and have to take another child in tomorrow for meds they want administer without a visit. Of course, all the Valentine's events are competing with our time and we need to make 80 V-day cards for co-op and friends. Then, my hubby has Monday off (another 4 day week)& the same week as my K-er's b-day & the following week hubby took off to go with us to a Snow White production (another four day week)... Yeah, we are in the same boat here.... And that is the plan if all of us ARE WELL!!! What if we get a virus.... we always seem to have one sick here... YIKES!! You are definitely not alone.
200 years ago they would have been taught to read and some math and they would have played in the field all day... The real problem is that we feel like we have a qouta to meet.... gotta keep up with the public school system or the kids peers... I want to go back in time! (but bbring electricity, etc. LOL@)
Sure, I feel like this all the time! What I changed this year is to divvy up our year into Terms. So, our first term is going from January to April. We are scheduled to finish at the beginning of the month and take a break until May 3rd. This gives me a little buffer so that if we don't get everything done we can finish it then. That's my goal anyway!
Yes, I'm having the same issue. I don't think we've had a full week since before Christmas either. And it's frustrating. I feel like we are so behind and will never catch up. The moment we get on track with one child, the other suffers. We've had many things come up too. This week, the public school had snow days and the neighbor kids kept coming over, ringing the doorbell, hanging around outside. Ugh!!! I did let them in for a little while though so that I could take a break to clean up the kitchen. It was in desperate need of some TLC! And, like you, we have those days with dentist appts., grocery runs, co-op, etc. that distract us from staying on task with our curriculum at home.
All that said, this week hasn't been too bad. I'm trying not to sress out about squeezing everything in, so I've been focusing on reading, math & English.
To sum it all up, you are definitely not alone! Hang in there. We'll get through this together. Keep taking your pictures and just post them to you blog when you get a chance. Have you seen my blog lately? It's pitiful!
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