I did have Sassy read "The Cat in the Hat" a few times. She is almost there. Little man and I have been reading "The Boxcar Children" back and forth all week. He doesn't like reading out loud for a long time, so we went back and forth to make it easier and more enjoyable.
We had our first all boy playdate at one of my friends house this week. There was about 12 moms and 20+boys. It was a blast. Sassy stayed home with daddy cuz she had the sniffles. The Little man got a sore throat, which he gladly shared with me. What a sweet kid. So now I sit here in pain. So no school yesterday or today.
But after reading a few other blogs, I realize that We're not the only ones dealing with this. Remember, next week will be better. :)
But you know what you did do?! You let your kids spend time with their daddy!! Most kids today are in a desk away from there Momma & Daddy all day. Yours are gettting something much more valuable than academics... and besides one good day of teaching is as good as a week of public school because you are teaching them one on one! YOU know that right?! Just reminding you ... and me! ;) We can do this... we can do this... we can do this.
By the way, I read your meltdown post and I can't remember if I posted, but I just want to say that we all do it... we may not all tell it. That's why I have the book "Homeschooling with a Meek & Quiet Spirit". I have to get it out when I lose it and go wacky. And I seriously read EVERY POST, but sometimes my hands are busy with my spoiled rotten baby, so I am out here even if you do not here from me. ;)
The book is by the Maxwell's at www.titus2.com . Thin book..easy read... inexpensive. I think I ordered it and the study guide for under $10... notsure about shipping because I ordered a collection of novels written by their daughter, also.
How is he liking The Boxcar Children?
It's a good thing when the kids spend time with their dad. Hope that everyone is getting better. Thanks for sharing your week.
Nothing wrong with spending some extra time with dad. That's one of the best benefits of homeschooling, getting that extra time as a family.
I'm the same way with planning. It has to be down before we start or the week's shot.
This year I entered EVERYTHING in homeschool tracker before the school year started, so now I just have to click on what I want done for the week, hit submit, and print it out. It took some hours to enter all the assignments but it was worth it because my weekly planning when down to 15-20 minutes, including making any copies.
Seems to be the theme around homeschooling blogs these past couple of week, dealing with a few days off for sickness or just feeling lethargic. I'm looking forward to warm weather!
G-I-R-L- we have ALL been where you are (and those who say they haven't are lying!)! I totally get the if I don't plan on Sunday it won't be the week I want it to be...
BUT- I TRULY, 100%, EMPHATICALLY believe kids learn in the "tough" weeks to! I used to teach in the public school system, and, guess what? Teachers MOST DEFINITELY have off weeks- even a year or two- sometime, and yet the kiddos still learn!
I believe God hard wired kids to be little sponges, so keep at it chica! It will all turn out a-OK!
Ok, I'm so glad to hear some honesty! The comments you left on my blog about science make so much sense. We have faithfully read every single science lesson from the beginning of the year and I have to say that some of the lessons are tough, even for me! I often have to read it several times myself before I even come close to getting it! So, hearing you say that you haven't done much science because of that helps me to realize that this curriculum is for children through 8th grade. So I need to pick pieces out of it so that my kids don't check out before we even finish the first sentence! Thanks for your comments! I really appreciate you taking the time to write them!!!
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