Friday, April 9, 2010

Weekly review- Easter edition

Well, I had every intention of teaching this week. But, then Monday came and I felt like not. :) I was ready to go, I had the week planned. I even came home early from Easter celebration so I could get my lesson plans done. Then, we made plans to have the kids spend the night at my parents on Wednesday. Well, that means no school on Thursday. And, since Kmart was having double coupons up to $2 all week, I needed to get there early everyday to get the deals. So I have a hard time teaching after I've dragged my kids shopping. SO there was no way teaching was gonna get done.

Little man did get math and spelling done on Monday and Tuesday. And Sassy worked on this cool reading/phonics game thing that I have, and some math. So we will do our second week of China next week. I really want to do the crafts, so this will give me time to get them ready.

We have been listening to the Narnia series in the car. They actually wanna leave the house, just so they can listen to it. They won't listen to them in the house, only the car. Strange. But if it keeps us having a quiet car ride, I'm all for it. We are now on the Silver Chair. Only one more to go. They are spoken really well. It's very exciting to listen to them. I can't wait til the Dawn Treader comes to the theater this year.

I hope all your weeks went smoother than mine. :)


Bree, Home of Blogmania said...

I am following you here, you stopped into BreeBee's- because i am interested and learning about homeschooling, my little one is nearing that age and we'll be taking more aggressive action into research and action.

Cara said...

Alright, I know this isn't your UBP post, but I loooove this blog! I am following you back from the the UBP and can't wait to read through your posts. We are also using My Father's World and love it! I came across it after struggling through some other curriculum and we are about to start our second year with MFW.

Mama to 5 said...

Hi - Signed up to follow your blog thru 2010 UBP. I invite you to follow my homeschool blog back :) Have a great weekend!

Confessions Of A Homeschooler said...

Hi Jen, I followed your link from my comments on the blog party post! It's always fun to find a new homeschooling blog, I look forward to surfing around a bit on your site!

Lisa said...

We had a week full of excitement. You'll have to read about it on my blog. I just wanted to say that listening to the Narnia books in the car is a fabulous idea! I shall check the library for them!

Cheryl Pitt said...

My son loved the Narnia CDs! The voices were incredible. And yes, anything that quietly entertains in the car is a good thing :)