We even did science too. They were very interested in the endangered species and pollution sections. Since we are really jumping into recycling, they are very curious about the enviroment. I must say that this is the most interesting parts of the whole science program.
The weather was perfect this week, so we spent a lot of time outside. By we, I mean the kids. I'm an indoor girl. :) Although I was plotting out my new garden site. I can't wait!! I know the kids are gonna love doing the garden again. I'm just trying to figure out what kinds of fruits and veggies to plant. Hmmm....
I was even approached my a new neighbor who was wondering if we homeschool. I guess the kids screaming down the sidewalk on scooters in the middle of the day was a dead giveaway. :) The funny thing is, that when the neighbor yelled from across the street, I knew what she was gonna ask. I almost stopped her by saying "Yes we homeschool , and my hubby works for the fire department." But, I think that would've came out strong. So I let her ask the questions. And sure enough, that's what she wanted to know. Gosh, I am so smart.
The only day I didn't do school was Wednesday. Usually I like to atleast do math, but it was busy day, electronically, for me. Which means, I was busy texting, emailing, Facebooking, and talking on the phone all morning. I NEVER do that, but sometimes it happens. I'm usually quick in conversation, but the kids weren't being bad, so I figured I'd keep talking. Next thing I knew, it was lunchtime, then MAFA. Such is life.
I'm attending a local curriculum fair on Saturday. I am so excited!!! They even have a used book sale there also. I have my list all typed out and ready to go. Little man needs Gamma and, if I can find some new to me books, that would be great. I'm shooting for Magic tree house and Boxcar children. Sassy doesn't need anything, but she wants me to find some easy readers for her. I think I may pick up Handwriting without Tears cursive for both kids. Sassy's been asking for cursive all year, but I knew Little man wasn't ready for it. But, since he'll be in 5th next year and she'll be in 3rd, that makes them about even in the maturity level. :) I didn't wanna teach it twice. So next year, should be an interesting one. Who am I kidding, I'll probably start using it now. The only downside of the fair, is that MFW is never there. So I still have to buy it later. But that actually works out better for. Cuz, if I get it now, I wanna use it now. So, it's a blessing in disguise.
The weather man is reporting MUCH colder temps for next week, so hopefully I can keep moving along, even though "we" won't be able to play outside. I want this year to be over!!! It's been fun, but it's time.
Good for you for accomplishing so much this week! If it makes you feel any better, we just now finished Germany! And that was only because we doubled up this week. When we opened the passport, I realized we were in France for a month. At least we kept up with math & language but I felt like a failure. Completing the curriculum as it's planned is ideal, but for some reason, we just can't seem to keep caught up. We were doing well until December. That's when we fell off the wagon. Now, we have some productive weeks & some not so much. But I'm like you, I don't want to stress over doing school in the summer, so we will probably do a country a week so we can finish by June. I've found that the science flows so nicely throughout each week that we can do that in a day or two.
I wish I could encourage you. I do think you're doing great. And don't foget that your kids learn at MAFA too.
Thanks so much for sharing with your blogger buddies! Your words are so meaningful to me and really help me to realize that I'm not the only one who struggles at times.
Love going to curriculum fairs ... I always find something I cannot live without. I love planning out our vegetable container garden each spring. Gardening is one of our favorite summer homeschool activities.
Sounds like a great week. We are about to do Japan all in one week and I'm pretty sure we'll do Antarctica all in one week too. Good for you, for not being "Stuck" by the curriculum.
I'm glad I'm not alone! We have to do a handful of countries in one week as well. I squeezed Africa into 2 weeks, and also plan on completing Saudi Arabia in one week, plus a few other countries. I'm glad that MFW is flexible enough to actually be able to do this and cover most of the material still! We have been skipping a ton of the bible reading. It is just not working for my family. I've only used hero tales a couple of times. Thanks for sharing your experiences!
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